Friday, December 12, 2008

My guinea pig for experimental food

As a kid I played house
It was a house where I was the cook (oh no)
Most of the food was raw,
Days old and mom just throw.
But my income was low
Hand to use then so.

But being the good host
I always boast
How good my food was
Yet needed a guinea pig of cause.

Had one person looking at me
Saw the innocent eyes that gleam
“There you go. My own guinea pig”
I just fed him my master chef wonder dish.
With awe of wonder with trusting heart
He just ate it and wanted some more.

Mom just came by, saw my experiment
Gave a loud cry and rush him to the hospital
“A rotten tomato is not that bad
And I am quite sure that he should be glad”
To get a sister like me
Who consider him as a guinea pig
And what the heck
You owe that to me
Since you and my brother who was just three

A real life scenario. I am sorry malli. For what I have made you eat. And thank you for baring all my mischief. He actually was three and I was four J

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