Friday, January 30, 2009

A world without forms to fill

I really hate filling up forms, online, offline and specially those stack of papers you get to fill as applications to a university, institute, company and so on.
they all start with your name, address date of birth, marital status,sex(ahem gender) and the best part is, the purpose of applying (may differ as per your requirement). Then again I can not really blame it. There are so many of us living and we need many details to distinguish one another. (So remarkable how the world creator separates us by simple details)
Anyways I got so annoyed recently due to the fact that i have to fill a whole set of new forms because i happen to change into a different branch of a well established bank of SL. I mean I was a customer of theirs for quite a few years and don't they have a record of mine. And why should i start all over again as a new account holder? Well being very optimistic of every peril i get into i finally came to a agreement with myself that I am not a VIP and till I become one to shut up and fill the form.
And again today I happen to fill another, i might add "an extra ordinary" form. In here other than my signature I actually had to keep my thumb print. Well not to worry I didn't kill any one and it was not a police form. An old method that still works to identify the uniqueness of one another. But still I had to fill that form and I just hated it.
I think(s) that there should be a centralized place where all our data is stored. From birth details to medical history and favourite hobby to most watched TV channel. From there with a secured access code (or what ever) necessary parties can get our details to verify our existence. Ah this is hard at the initial stage but if some one care do that I will be free from filling forms :)

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