Saturday, January 31, 2009
Apocalypto and What I think

Friday, January 30, 2009
A world without forms to fill
they all start with your name, address date of birth, marital status,sex(ahem gender) and the best part is, the purpose of applying (may differ as per your requirement). Then again I can not really blame it. There are so many of us living and we need many details to distinguish one another. (So remarkable how the world creator separates us by simple details)
Anyways I got so annoyed recently due to the fact that i have to fill a whole set of new forms because i happen to change into a different branch of a well established bank of SL. I mean I was a customer of theirs for quite a few years and don't they have a record of mine. And why should i start all over again as a new account holder? Well being very optimistic of every peril i get into i finally came to a agreement with myself that I am not a VIP and till I become one to shut up and fill the form.
And again today I happen to fill another, i might add "an extra ordinary" form. In here other than my signature I actually had to keep my thumb print. Well not to worry I didn't kill any one and it was not a police form. An old method that still works to identify the uniqueness of one another. But still I had to fill that form and I just hated it.
I think(s) that there should be a centralized place where all our data is stored. From birth details to medical history and favourite hobby to most watched TV channel. From there with a secured access code (or what ever) necessary parties can get our details to verify our existence. Ah this is hard at the initial stage but if some one care do that I will be free from filling forms :)
Am I stuborn cuz I have a mind of my own?
Well there are two kinds of people, the world around me (which includes you) and ME, right in the centre "Me". Me who write this blog letting out my feelings and my version of the world around me. Must stress again that I am in the middle, in the middle being trampled, loved cared and hated by all the "yous" out there. And I with a mind of my own interpret certain situations and might embrace or repel from that. So in the process people around me will feel that I am actually very stubborn, I am so stubborn that I might have disregard your dignity and and acted MY OWN. well you nor I can actually help it, I will be stubborn because I have a mind of my own which like to think act and perhaps fall down and to stand up.
Besides I am still learning to live this life. If some one always tells me how to do everything right and one day if none of you around how will I survive? So let me do things my way and let me be responsible for my own actions...
I love responsibility...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Your child
With my heart in sorrow and pain
Cuz I do not know how to make you happy
I am your child can’t you see
I brought the stars for you
Laid on the table and asked you to look
“That’s not what I want”
So I cried and asked you to help me
I am you child can’t you see
Painted the world for you
Using colors of the world
You looked you laughed
Said I am so “childish”
But I am your child can’t you see
Made castle with dream and hope
Painted it with red
To show my love
You stepped on it
And now I am too weak to do anything
I am your child
Who needed to be loved by you…
Monday, January 26, 2009
Small world
Today I was surprised, the girl who sat next to me in my transport is a very good friend of mine. Whom I had being sharing lot of gossip, poems and many many more via emails. Well She is a Friend of mine in Fakebook (why I call that, is another story) and I have seen her photos, but me being the person who never remembers some ones face could not recognized until she pointed me out. For a month we have being in the same transport but never got a chance to talk. Well how small the world we live in?
Scenario 2
And day I had to answer the door at my work place and this guy entered asking for my boss. To see he was my long-time-no see friend. Whom I have sat for AL's. Wow that was a surprise
Scenario 3
A Friend of mine who had seen a cousin of her, was about to call on his mobile was stopped by her other Friend who was sitting next to her. Apparently her cousin was the boss of her friend.
Scenario 4
well for now only three scenarios that is coming in to my mind. Had a office out yesterday and my whole body+head is paining.
What is the best medicine for a headache?
watching Mamma Mia???? oh yeah !!!!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Mosquitoes that most-kill-toes…
But still when, you having the best dream, they just had to stop by near your ear and sing their hearts out. I mean com’on don’t they know that it can be so deadly. They are playing a life and death game there. I mean I am a deadly weapon when I wave my arms around.
So much that they do really bother me at my sleep, I just wanted to find out few things about this insects, rather annoying pain in the neck(shoulder) insects.Mosquitoes are coming from a family called Culicidae. And do you know that the word is that mosquitoes have being around over 30 million years old But all throughout they happen to do the same thing.. bite the hell out of us. Feed on our blood and give us sleepless nights..
(If you recall In Jurassic Park, they created dinosaurs with gens inside a mosquito who happened to be fed on a dinosaur’s blood and blah blah blah)
They travel 1/2Km per hour and go up to 10 km during night time. And at a stretch they fly to 1-4 hours. Wow I can’t even sit in one place for that long. May be they do that so they can have a different dish for a change
And I find this rather amusing and ironic, the real predator (harsh word? No I do not think so) is the female mosquito that sucks the blood so we rank them as the most deadly.
They rest in cool places and wait till the evening to hunt us down. When it comes to cool places they can even lay eggs in watery surfaces, and sometime the eggs survive though the place is dried up for a certain period. Well if we think about this more, we ourselves make the biggest mistake, by allowing the mosquitoes to breed in places like this.
So let us all join hands and keep our environment clean and tidy so I CAN HAVE A GOOD NIGHT SLEEP hahaha
And you too
Thursday, January 22, 2009
go on and on and we talk
This type of talking happen when you get together with bunch of friends colleagues and any other combination. Today our initial topic was "politics" ah the very subject that i would avoid but heat up in certain circumstances. Then Mr. Obama dominated the field and came to different beliefs of religions. Then talked about hymns and what their meanings are, which ended up analyzing the lyrics of certain songs that can be heard in radio. Then the gossip.. yeah the Hollywood gossip (guess we know more about Barrymore than she does). Last but not least the favourite TV programs we watch was a hit.
ah I love talking about politics now, cuz it leads to different stories..
hey that was not the end.. but some of the stuff are not for you to know :)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
To office or the bull
Well as all we being human with emotions running free, my colleagues who were in the office transport was giving their own assumption of the situation.
“some driver must have hit the poor thing…idiot does not even no how to driver..”
“these type of idiots should be punished…”
“Wonder who gave the license (driver’s) to them…”
“Must have happened in the morning… so then he ran away… selfish man…”
“ah did you notice the way a man was standing few feet away from the incident?...I think it’s he who have done it… did you notice the sly smile…IDIOT”
Well me being the observer was really amazed.
· How much we human pity the bull who was hurt?
· How some of us eat the flesh of it if the given incident is different?
· And how we assumed that a motor vehicle did made this creature to get hurt?
· How we tend to curse at people who we have not seen or heard of?
· And how much you get blamed for just standing there at a point of an incident?
And then let talk about me
I was not really in a hurry to work (I am one of the early comers :) ) yet I did not stop by and even tried to help the creature. But now I am blaming someone for criticizing the incident. And secondly lets say that I really got down and tried to help, what am I suppose to do? Who will I try to contact? And given the chance the owner of the bull was there? Will he welcome my help or will he feel hostile? Because he might feel that I am trying to own his bull. (its human nature not to trust another human, when it comes to your belongings)
All I know is there was a problem, I wanted to help but I did not. Just passed it and came back to my world of comforts. Am I human or what?
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Falling for you..
I tried hard not to
Yet I am weak
Standing next you
Listening to your breath and soul
Showing me the beauty of life
Asking me to smile with you
Can’t you see I am not doing so good?
I am falling for you
Alas, you are my best friend
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Certain things are captured only as memories.. for a life time
Also there are certain times that we see such magnificent structures of the Creator of the world. Yes I am just obsessed about the sky and can not really take my mind and heart in appreciating its wonderful colours and the art. Today i saw one such moment. I took my camera out tried to captured moment. The sun was blazing its glory, white clouds were swirling around. And a dark cloud just came and closed the sun forming the bright glowing silver line. Well when finally my camera switched it self that moment was over. Just occurred to me how i missed that moment yet how i remembered the details of it.
This made me think. The junctions of my life that I do not have photos or any tangible things to tell another person this really happened, yet memories... I have the memories.
Memories which I would like to share. Yet no one will really understand the true emotions that i have linked with them.
well Dumbledore please teach me how to extract my memories and bottle them so I can share them with others!!!
I just love my memories... good and bad
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Old school
Watched "Who's line is it anyway?" hosted by Drew Carey and comedians (really talented) Ryan Stiles, Colin Mochrie, Wayne Brady and few more comedy actors playing the game-show. The jokes are so real and classy. Well currently I am really addicted to it.
One day these funny(I mean genuinely hilarious) guys enacted the 90's old school. It was pretty simple and really brought up how much we think certain phrases we used when we were schooling, certain rituals we thought were cool and happening back then are really not that cool any more. Well the scene was three "happening dudes" meet up, and they discuss the cool things they did. Well it was not really discussing cuz no one was saying any activity but say to each other
"man i so did wanna do that "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN""
ohh yeah yeah I once did so and made it so real "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN"
well the above quotes may not be exactly the same.but I got to emphasise that all did actually say to each other was "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN" and non of them knew what they really mean.
When watching this it just reminded me of my school days. well not long ago I actually went to have education, to a school where all types of girls were having the same education. Well some of us did good and some of us get to face the bad side of life. Yet once in a while it reminds us how much freedom happiness and excitement we had those days. I surprisingly was very energetic. I wanted to take part in every single thing. Every sport, drama, societies and many many more.
And then chores. One of my favorites. I use to sing in two three of them. what a feeling we get. All together singing one tune(off beat) and more than anything I participated them simply because I get to skip classes. Matter of fact the number of classes I actually attended for chemistry was less than 20. (ohh yeah)
Was a chatter box. I mean Girls have a lot to talk. And I was marked for this ability. Well I am proud to say this but I still have that ability popping here and there.
Well I think I love and respect my school still :)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
If only
But... I am human i just have feelings that contradict my own feelings..
Damn so hard being human
Even harder being honest to yourself
Random thoughts on my way home..
By looking at it I feel as if I am in heaven. By saying that I am not being poetic but it’s simply the feeling I get. Eye soothing colours. Blue, indigo, purple, yellow, pink white orange and many many colours. The view is simply breath taking.
When I see it I feel so lucky that I was born as a human and am able to appreciate its true beauty. Even though my route from office to home is, screeching cars, smoking lorries, three wheelers motor cycles, tired human beings, I just avoid resting my eyes on them. I just look up and notice the heavenly bravura SKY!!!
Well I am just thankful to the creator of this world for giving such a extra ordinarily beautiful site to mu eyes.

Well my camera didn't do the justice here... But still its so beautiful!!!
Monday, January 12, 2009
I sleep..
When stars are shining moon is smiling I sleep
When its dark and another world is bright I sleep
At rain, at mist summer winter hot and drought I sleep
When they laugh with happiness
When they scream of pain
I sleep
When you found your soul, or gave it to the devil
I sleep
Do not wake me
Egoism and coward-ness to face you
Are my sleeping tablets
So I sleep
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Means of transport – Motor Cycle
I always wanted to own a CBR or Harley Davidson. Not that I know how to ride it but I thought it was kinda looks cool. Yet the funny part is apart from the fact that I do not know how to ride a motor cycle, all throughout my life I have never even gone in a motor cycle. I mean no one was kind enough to take me. Still it’s strange why I have this special thing about CBR and Harley Davidson.
However few days back, I was waiting for my transport at about 6 o’clock. There was major traffic. No vehicle that has four wheels could move. But just like the way water would go through a jar full of rocks, MOTORCYCLES found their own controvertible way to creep in and out of the traffic. And now I will get to the funny part. I was standing on the pavement. (I mean I can stand there right? Yes I can be a “stationery pedestrian” if a noun like that do exist) I was waiting for my vehicle to come. But what I saw was10 to 12 motorcycles charging their way towards where I was standing. Hmm I had to push my panic button. Why? Because I had no way to go and make way to the battalion of motorcycles. Although I was standing at the right place I had to take refugee inside a telephone booth. Well they passed and then I gave a sigh of relief and turned my head, to see more and more motorcycles have made their own way in the pavements (or is it motor-cycle-way?)
How close the motor cycle was to me....
However the traffic got viler. And I had to camp in the telephone booth. Suddenly something “much funnier” caught my eye. A three-wheeler (or the most annoying word I have ever heard “the tuk-tuk”) was nicely parked in the pavement (let’s not bitch about that now) and there was about five feet space and a motor cycle (chaly) was waiting for the colour light to turn green. Then another motorcycle tried to creep in between the tuk-tuk and the chaly, and this was not actually going in the correct direction but the opposite direction. Mind you this was a highway. And I have no clue how he was able to come from a different direction. Now that is a question
A motor cycle making his way through a three wheeler and a Chaly
However my motive was not to say what I don’t like about bike riders. I just felt that motorcycle is a convenient and fast mean of transport that most citizens take use of.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Say cheez....
As time passed by my uncle had to leave which means that I had to bid farewell to “my new love”. And went back to the reality of my Nokia 5610 camera... hey it’s not bad at all it does indeed a good job almost all the time.
Check out www.ran-neleei.blogspot.com and click on the post flower bud for my experience withe nikon n70 SLR camera