Sunday, September 28, 2008
Procrastination – Work life
I will finish today
Cuz I was not there
To finish em anyway
I thought and I thought
Argued with myself
“What is important?”
“What should be prioritized?”
Coloured them in red
Those of importance and already late
Coloured them in green
What are good to GO!!!
Yellow, blue and pink
Sure gave the ART a kick
Black purple and maroon
Some colours I used
Today is the day
Yes end to my “pro-cras-tic” work style
Today I will finished them all
And feel high five
It looks so lovely with all colours and shades
I was proud of myself
So I stared and stared
Till my heart content
But alas then I checked the time
Its’ 5 o’clock, yup 5 o’clock
Its time to go, or I will miss the bus
Procrastination! Procrastination!! O Procrastination!!!
What about ending procrastination?
Well at least I thought
To end it today
And I am satisfied
Cuz I will end it ANOTHER DAY!!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
Men talk, omen talk
Problems sorted
Or problems created
Men gives advice, women listen
Women gives advice, men are offended
A situation was created
To understand what we really want
A man loves woman to shut
A woman loves man to open
But when together
They do the opposite, and still are in Love.
Are men really from Mars?
And women from Venus?
Why is its o impossible to understand?
Why am I torched for being who I am?
Who cares where we are from?
As all we do is love each other
I like you and love who you are
And we will live on EARTH forever and more.
Love is…
Love is sunshine in the morning
Love is moonlight that bounce in the placid lake
Love is joy
Love is mystery
Love is breath of life
Love is pain
Love is heartache when you are away
Love is the breeze that whisper softly in the ear
Love is music
Love is hard
Love is my hero
Love is my weakness
Love is darkness
Love is a long road
Love is good
Love is being bad with you
Love is selfish and blind
Love is giving all you have
Love is sleep
Love is waking in the night and thinking about you
Love is breakfast with a red rose
Love is time
Love is money
Love is a dream that comes true
Love is real
Love is strong
Love is so fragile
Love opens your eye
Love is love
Love is you and me
Forever and most
Love is you and me
You and me is what love is all about
What happens to our dreams? - A note
The impossible things that we dream
They come true in our imagination
We make it happen in our imagination
But when as it about to happen
We grow up and gain an education.
And what does this education tells us?
Stop dreaming start looking at the reality
And this education is something told by someone
But What if we didn’t listen
What was said to us?
We would still be dreaming
And make those dreams come true
Hence we will be happy for ever.
You and you
I feel your heart
Your breath that’s warm
You smile I hear
But do you know
What I feel inside?
I feel so happy
So happy that it’s like I am in heaven
My heart beats so fast
Please don’t ask me any more
Cuz I really can’t answer
I am feeling the love
Please let me just feel it.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Build a dream
Till it break Into three
Build the nest again
Build the dream again
Never give up
As life is filled with more dreams
There are no limits
No boundaries
All we have is to
Dream an endless dream
Life in the rain
To dance in the rain
when its sunrise
Why does it rain,
when you are in the pain
And make you feel alright
Life is sad
Yet so wonderful
Gives surprises
and takes what'with you
It's how you feel
It's how you act
Life is yours
Just take control
Falling (when you left me)
When I am falling in love with you
You wanted what was mine and all I wanted was you
I dreamt about you I thought about you
And now you are not here with me.
It hurt so much because, Now....
I am falling in love with you
I am a raindrop falling down from sky
I felt so high and my thoughts fly by
I felt so cool calm and nice
Falling so high I feel so right
But wait. Why was I born?
Is it only to fall rest of my life?
Aren’t I of any use?
Am I just a raindrop?
So small and insignificant.
So fragile and meaningless
NO time to think now I was already falling
So I closed my eyes, and felt myself hit on the ground.
And open my eyes, saw the world smiling with life
Hence I knew my life purpose
I am a little raindrop giving life and happiness
Forgiven not forgotten
The title say it all but if you need more explaining well that’s what am about to do. We do mistakes sometimes and you may find that they are acceptable at that point yet letter when you think more, you will find that it is not so. However if you meant what you did back, and meant with the whole heart of you just wait for the com-back... It’s as clear as crystal you will get it back... I am telling you through personal experience, being a LEARNING-2-Live human I have done mistakes and mischievs and I have learned through them... Hence my mission of life is to live it carefree and with minimal heartaches to my surroundings :)
And also this note is especially to all those wonderful people once I knew and still I know please do forgive me for what I have done.
As a closing statement I would like to stress on the fact that mistakes can be forgiven but never forgotten…
I see stars shining, in the moonlight
Then I made one wish
That you would be here to give me a kiss
And something just struck to me.
The sky is not the same
Something different and...
it’s not the same everyday
Then I looked into my heart and thought.
Was it the same one from the start, was it you that I really want?
I was looking for a shining star, but actually its not what I want.
I was looking for that special one, That special one who made all the magic
Who made it worth living every night
With or without starts
Aint no sunshine when she/he is gone..

This is dedicated for a very sweet friend of mine.. And to a sunshine that went away few months ago.. Keep the Sunny smiling people.
This note will not make any sense for most of you...that’s just me thinks things crazy :) but someone will get my thoughts soon :)
I would do anything for love
That’s what you said to me..
And that’s what I believed you would do.
I would do anything for love
Is what I believed in so much
That made me not to think otherwise.
You came and you went
Now I am all alone
Sitting a hoping that one day
You will come and ease my mind again
Just like the way you did back then
Make me go higher to the heaven above.
And I turn back and see
I did make a mistake…
I did a mistake which I can not undo…
Past is past please forgive me
I need you so badly, that it kills me
I Do anything for love
This time
Do I miss you?
I still believe we can make this right
I want to make it right
I remember and I cry
Will you care if you see how much I die inside
Will you miss then the love we had
Or is it just another illusion I have in my mind
I cry I die I survive I smile
I try to make it alright
Will you still care if you know that
I know that you never cared then.
When you are not around..
Do you know that I talk so much when you are not around
I tell everything to you,
My happiness
My sadness
My heartfelt and heart not felt feeling,
How my day has being and how it should have being
I tell them to you and I see how you smile at me
How you advice me and make me feel all right.
But when I am with you,
I am not what I am in my mind
My whole day is not important any more
All I want to do is stay like this forever
Forever with you and feel your warmth
I do not want to share my day with you
But my overwhelming love with you.